6 months Moratorium – Updates from Banks

Updates from Banks including Opt Out Option

Details from banks including Opt Out option

After our discussion about the 6 months loan repayment deferment announced by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) in our previous post, we found that many banks have their own dedicated web page for COVID-19 related measures.

List of Links

Hence, we provide a list of those links:

  1. MBB – https://www.maybank2u.com.my/…/announcement_financial_relie…
  2. CIMB – https://www.cimb.com.my/…/help-support/covid-19-support.html
  3. PBB – https://www.pbebank.com/Announcements.aspx?qid=2924#q2924
  4. RHB – https://www.rhbgroup.com/covid-19/index.html
  5. HLB – https://www.hlb.com.my/…/hlb-customer-financial-relief-plan…
  6. AmBank – https://www.ambank.com.my/eng/covid-19
  7. UOB – https://www.uob.com.my/defau…/financial-relief-measures.page
  8. Affin – https://www.affinbank.com.my/NewsDetails.aspx?id=965

Opt Out Instruction

After our check on the links provided above, we found that Ambank, PBB and MBB are ready with their opt-out instruction. We will update from time to time if we manage to obtain new information. Most banks will make their official announcement by 31 March 2020.

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