COVID-19 Hospitalisation Coverage in Malaysia

With increasing Covid-19 cases in Malaysia and news of cases requiring hospitalisation, many started to wonder if their hospitalisation / medical insurance covers their medical bill in private hospital.

Image Source :

I have compiled a list of coverage among insurers in Malaysia for ease of reference. Besides the coverage provided for Covid-19 hospitalisation, we also included post vaccination coverage.

I also take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the front liners and hope everyone of us work together to overcome this pandemic together! Stay Safe & Stay Healthy!

You can download the pdf below.

Feel free to contact me for financial planning matters.. Email me : or find out more about my services.

How to respond in Times of Uncertainty?

Imagine throwing a pebble into a still pond. How does the water respond? The answer is, totally appropriately to the force and mass of the input; then it returns to calm. It doesn’t overreact or under-react…

David Allen in Getting Things Done

What is happening?

Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is affecting almost every countries in the world. Social and economic activities are greatly affected. While we are fighting the virus, we are also facing economy challenges. Severe turbulence in the market with new data, news and stimulation packages, monetary decision by central banks all over the world and etc. are creating uncertainties among the investors and public. This situation will prompt many of us to make many instantaneous decisions daily.

Continue reading “How to respond in Times of Uncertainty?”


After announcement by Malaysia Prime Minister, few Insurers and Takaful operators rolled out with guideline for Insurance Policy and Takaful Certificate holders to make application to defer their Premium / Contribution for 3 months. Different from Loan Repayment Moratorium, you need to make application to Insurers for this premium deferment. It is subjected to Insurers’approval.

Detailed Guidelines

At the time of publish, we have gathered information from 6 companies, i.e AIA, Allianz, Etiqa, Hong Leong Assurance, Manulife and Prudential. We will try to update the guideline from time to time. You can download the guideline from here.

* 30 Mar 2020 – New updated Guideline to include Great Eastern can be downloaded from here. (

Should I take the Deferment?


6 months Moratorium – Updates from Banks

Updates from Banks including Opt Out Option

After our discussion about the 6 months loan repayment deferment announced by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) in our previous post, we found that many banks have their own dedicated web page for COVID-19 related measures.

List of Links

Continue reading “6 months Moratorium – Updates from Banks”

BNM Announcement – Measures to Assist Individuals, SMEs and Corporates Affected by COVID-19

BNM – Loan deferment for 6 months – Individuals, SMEs and Corporates Affected by COVID-19

Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) made an announcement on 25th March 2020 as part of the measures to help individuals, SMEs and Corporate affected by COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Moratorium of 6 Months on Bank Loans

Banking institution to provide a 6 months deferment of all loans or financing repayments with exception to Credit Card. Details could be read at BNM official site. Detailed terms and conditions can be obtained from the FAQ released. It is important to note that the interest will continue to accrue during the moratorium period.

Continue reading “BNM Announcement – Measures to Assist Individuals, SMEs and Corporates Affected by COVID-19”