COVID-19 Hospitalisation Coverage in Malaysia

With increasing Covid-19 cases in Malaysia and news of cases requiring hospitalisation, many started to wonder if their hospitalisation / medical insurance covers their medical bill in private hospital.

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I have compiled a list of coverage among insurers in Malaysia for ease of reference. Besides the coverage provided for Covid-19 hospitalisation, we also included post vaccination coverage.

I also take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all the front liners and hope everyone of us work together to overcome this pandemic together! Stay Safe & Stay Healthy!

You can download the pdf below.

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Investment Linked Insurance Policy = Investment + Insurance?

We know that Investment and Financial Risk mitigation are two important elements of Financial Planning. Hence, by combining Investment and Insurance into an Investment Linked Policy (ILP) seems to be an ultimate solution. We believe that almost every one of us have at least one ILP. We have been asked very often and I think will be helpful if we put it into a written form for the reference of the public. Hence, we are going to discuss in details a few important elements and features of Investment Linked Policy in this session. Note that some insurers (insurance companies) name Investment Linked Policy as Unit Linked Policy. Both refer to the same type of Insurance Policy. Please note that these features are similar for Investment Linked Certificate for Takaful.

A few important elements and features of Investment Linked Policy will be discussed in this post. Note that some insurers (insurance companies) name Investment Linked Policy as Unit Linked Policy. Both refer to the same type of Insurance Policy. Please note that these features are similar for Investment Linked Certificate for Takaful.

This is the list of subtopics we will discuss in this post. You can start from item 4 if you already knew what is an Investment Linked Insurance Policy.

  1. All in One (Package)
  2. Flexible
  3. Transparent
  4. What you must know?!



After announcement by Malaysia Prime Minister, few Insurers and Takaful operators rolled out with guideline for Insurance Policy and Takaful Certificate holders to make application to defer their Premium / Contribution for 3 months. Different from Loan Repayment Moratorium, you need to make application to Insurers for this premium deferment. It is subjected to Insurers’approval.

Detailed Guidelines

At the time of publish, we have gathered information from 6 companies, i.e AIA, Allianz, Etiqa, Hong Leong Assurance, Manulife and Prudential. We will try to update the guideline from time to time. You can download the guideline from here.

* 30 Mar 2020 – New updated Guideline to include Great Eastern can be downloaded from here. (

Should I take the Deferment?